Editor’s Note: Family Reunions

Editor’s Note: Family Reunions


No one could ever have predicted what 2020 and 2021 brought. Families not only suffered from losing their loved ones, they also were prevented from even seeing their family members. It was a year of loneliness for so many.

Family Reunions CES That Wasn't Turn the page Smartphone Debate PRO Alex boost 2019 State of the Industry June 2019 editor's note Jerry-Grossman-cropped-7-2016
Jerry Grossman

However, we’re now starting to see the old adage “absence makes the heart grow fonder” come together in real time. Grandparents are starting to hug their grandchildren again; moreover, many families that were torn apart by the pandemic are finally getting that hug they were missing for more than a year.

When you think about it, our industry played such a huge part in connecting families, either through sharing pictures or creating family albums. Many turned to photography as their latent hobby that suddenly became relevant again. Dealers I’ve talked to mostly spoke to positive store traffic; optimistic employees; as well as the hope that product inventories will soon return to pre-pandemic levels.

Sharing the Joy of Family Reunions

The joy of bringing families back together will also create new memories that our customers have missed. It is exciting to think about the reunions that will take place throughout the country (and the world), as well as the part photography will play in that happiness.

We help people record memories that will last a lifetime. In addition, this year we also preserved memories that we couldn’t experience in person. I think we can all agree that being a part of the imaging industry this year gave us some satisfaction by helping our customers stay connected with their loved ones.

We sincerely hope that all of you are safe. We also look forward to connecting as an imaging industry family in person soon!