Social Networking for Success: Grow Your Business with a Webmaster or Social...

Social Networking for Success: Grow Your Business with a Webmaster or Social Media Marketer


Taking the leap to hire someone to manage your website and social media is a big decision. However, it is a move that can help your business grow while giving you the time to do what you do best—run your business. A webmaster of social media marketer offers value to your company.

Do You Need Help?

How strong is your social media presence? Are you missing out on engaging with your customers because you simply don’t have the time? Moreover, is the content on your website feeling a little stale? Or are you actively on social media, working hard to build customer relationships, but it has become too time consuming? If you answered yes to any of these, it might be time to hire a webmaster, social media marketer or someone who can do both.

The thought of hiring a full-time person might be too much of a strain on your business. Fortunately, there is an enormous source of freelance webmasters and social media marketers out there. Moreover, they can deliver success for your business when and how much you need them to.

Creating One Voice

Imagine having a person who can take your message and successfully turn it into the voice of your business online. Let’s explore some of the ways your business can benefit from that one voice message.

Website management doesn’t have to be complicated. However, having a consistent look and feel to your updates, as well as one voice messaging, will make you look more professional to your customers and potential customers.

Your social media presence should also have that same voice as well as a look and feel that ties into your company’s website. In addition, social media can have that one voice while being flexible enough to work within the varied platforms. That is often what a professional social media marketer can bring to the table.SocialNetworking-1-9-2019

Online marketing campaigns should maintain that one voice your customers will come to expect from your business. Having a person dedicated to keeping all of these in line will give you a chance to develop programs that will be executed by your web guru. In conjunction with online marketing, there will be outbound e-mail campaigns. These messages will be in line with your overall marketing campaigns. But they can be modified to speak to your e-mail audience, since they are already established to some extent as they are signed up on your list.

The cost of hiring another person may feel overwhelming. However, because they are freelancers, you can set the time frame, budget and goals for success. This will allow you to manage the cost while determining the next steps based on the return on your investment.

Finding the Right Fit

To get the most out of your hires, the right person(s) should have the following strengths. They should write conversationally. This one voice should be conversational and friendly, so it creates a dialogue on your social media between you and your customers, and even between customers on your platforms. They should be flexible and available, understanding there will be times where social media demands immediacy. They should respond to comments right away; often real-time responses are best between certain times of the day.

Another strength is a person who understands your business goals. What are you trying to do with your website and social media? Once you determine that, your hire should support those business goals. This person needs to be social, not only online but also with you and your employees. He or she should not work alone but be proactive in talking with your team to make sure everyone is up to date on what is happening with your company.

Finally, you need to have confidence in this person, who needs to understand there will be times when you provide confidential information about product announcements or promotions that must remain under wraps until a certain release time. This person should possess a “when in doubt, leave it out” mentality.

This one voice approach can help increase your brand awareness and find you more customers. It can also help you stay ahead of your competition that we know can be tough these days. Since this is your social media marketer’s area of expertise, you will be kept up to date with the latest online social marketing trends and ways to engage your customers. Over time, you can build a loyal following of customers to steadily grow your business.