18th Lucie Awards to Honor Master Photographers at Carnegie Hall

18th Lucie Awards to Honor Master Photographers at Carnegie Hall


Los Angeles, CA—The prestigious Lucie Awards gala plans to return to New York City to celebrate photography this October. The Lucie Foundation announced a lineup of nine honorees for the 18th Lucie Awards. Moreover, the foundation will reveal the recipient of the 3rd Annual Impact Award in September.

Th foundation hopes to celebrate the 2020 Lucie Awards on October 20, at Zankel Hall in New York City’s Carnegie Hall. “Your health and safety are our primary concerns. In light of the current situation with Covid-19 (coronavirus), and the need for all of us to assist in minimizing the spread of the disease in our communities, our plans are fluid,” it announced. “Furthermore, we will follow all the guidelines of the CDC and New York City. We do feel that it is important to honor the masters of photography and the impact that photographs have in our world today. So, we continue with our tradition of the Lucie Awards, which will either be live in NYC or seen online. Thanks for your understanding and patience.” 18th Lucie-Awards-LogoRegarding Covid-19, you can find information from the CDC about prevention and control, including limiting travel and large gatherings, here.

18th Lucie Awards Honorees

The Lucie Foundation, along with its advisory board, revealed the following nine honorees.

Peter Magubane will receive the Lifetime Achievement Award.

Paul Caponigro will garner the Achievement in Fine Art.

Lynn Goldsmith will collect the Achievement in Portraiture.

Pamela Hanson will accept the Achievement in Fashion honors.

Jean-Pierre Laffont will garner the Achievement in Photojournalism.

David Hurn will receive the Achievement in Documentary.

Joel Sartore will collect the Humanitarian Award.

Steven Sasson (inventor of the digital camera) will receive the Spotlight/Visionary Award.

Bob Martin will accept the Achievement in Sports recognition.

The Impact Award

This award is given to a photographer whose image or body of work has created a difference in a given year. The foundation will announce the recipient of this award in September.

“Dr. Peter Magubane has spent more than 60 years photographing his people’s struggles against injustice in South Africa,” said Lauren Wendle, president, Lucie Foundation. “His commitment to photojournalism helped pave the way to transformation in South Africa during apartheid. He is an inspiration to his people and the photography world at large.”

“For the 18th year, the Lucie Awards are delighted to honor the most exceptional talent in our global community; especially at this time in history, when the power of photography is a bridge connecting us all around the world,” added Hossein Farmani, founder of the Lucie Awards. “We look forward to celebrating these extraordinary lives and careers on October 20; hopefully at Zankel Hall at Carnegie Hall, which is the  Lucie Foundation’s New York home each October.”

“The Lucie Awards have remained a beacon that shines its light, in an evening honoring the Masters of Photography. This 18th year we intend to do the same! The images of our outstanding group of honorees express the power of this medium to transport us, even while staying at home, to a place, a people, nature, art, war or even the impact of a virus,” commented Susan Baraz, cochair, Lucie Awards.

“Moreover, one single photo can encompass a world; at the same time, it can resonate globally in expressing how truly united we are, no matter if it’s a great distance or only six feet away. It is photography that always navigates that space, now more than ever before. We all hope to see everyone at the 18th Annual Lucie Awards.”

IPA and Support Category Awards

In addition, at this year’s awards gala, the International Photography Awards (IPA) will announce the winners of the Lucie International Photographer of the Year. It will also reveal the Lucie Discovery of the Year awards. IPA is a preeminent global competition, as well as a sister-effort of the Lucie Awards. IPA-2019-Logo

What’s more, the Lucie Awards will honor the year’s best photographic achievements of the industry by presenting five Support Category awards. They represent individuals and institutions that play a critical role in showcasing and promoting photography.

Last year’s awards went to the New York Times’ editors for “Love City: 24 Hours of Romance, Lust, and Heartache”; Penguin Press for Linsey Addario’s book Love and War; and the Birkenstock Personality Social Media Campaign, among other winners. The foundation will also reveal the Support Category nominees in September.

“We at Lucie Foundation wish our community health, safety and fortitude at this challenging time,” added Lauren Wendle. “We look forward to celebrating the Masters of Photography and our industry at the appropriate time and place.”