I3A Grants Annual Safety Excellence Awards to Fujifilm, Kodak and Agfa

I3A Grants Annual Safety Excellence Awards to Fujifilm, Kodak and Agfa


Wakefield, MA—The International Imaging Industry Association (I3A), a leading global imaging association, announced this year’s recipients of its Safety Excellence Awards, which since 1999 have recognized the highest levels of safety performance and leadership among I3A member companies.

Companies taking top honors for their exemplary safety records during calendar year 2010 are Agfa Corporation (in eight locations), Fujifilm Holdings America Corp. (in 17 North American locations) and the Eastman Kodak (in 18 locations).

The awards seek to assist member companies in bringing about sustainable improvement in all areas of health and safety in the workplace. Member company sites in all countries are encouraged to apply to the program. Award recipient sites are determined using a combination of factors, including employing a minimum of 10 people, having an annual “Days Away from Work Incidence Rate” of 0.30 or less per 100 full-time workers, and not having had a work-related “serious” regulatory citation or fatality in the last three years.

I3A’s Safety committee’s charter is to provide a forum for benchmarking and sharing learning experiences in the areas of compliance with health and safety regulation, employee training and education, identification and analysis of workplace hazards, and prevention and control of workplace hazards.

“These I3A awards represent a validation of our hard work, efforts and deliberate planning to protect all our Fujifilm employees as well as our facilities,” said Ryutaro Hosoda, president and CEO, Fujifilm North America Corp., and president of Fujifilm Holdings America Corp., which also garnered three of four Best in Class Awards for safety performance. “Keeping everyone in a safe, yet productive environment is critical to building sustainable businesses.”

I3A’s Best in Class Safety Awards further recognize companies with the safest workplaces, as determined by injury and illness case rates for the year, in different categories. The company in each category that meets all the I3A Safety Excellence Award criteria and has the lowest OSHA Recordable Incidence (ORI) with the most hours worked during the calendar year is recognized as being best in its class among I3A member companies. This year, another requirement for Best in Class was added, to recognize those companies that have maintained this kind of record for the longest duration.

This year’s Best in Class safety winners were: Manufacturing – Kodak de Mexico; Warehousing – Fujifilm Canada, Mississauga, Ontario; R&D/Administrative – Fujifilm Holdings of America Corporation, Valhalla, New York; and Photo Services – Fujifilm North America Corp. Printing Services Group, Portland, Oregon. i3a.org
