MGI USA’s Meteor DP60 Pro Press Helps Printer Embrace the Digital Age

MGI USA’s Meteor DP60 Pro Press Helps Printer Embrace the Digital Age


MGI announced that Paper Handling Solutions, southeastern distributor for their multi-substrate digital press and finishing solutions, installed a Meteor DP60 Pro multi-substrate digital press at Colour 101 in Atlanta, Georgia, enabling the printer to enter the digital printing market. Nancy and Michael Lepera (pictured), Colour 101’s owners, are committed to bringing in the latest technologies to improve business processes, enhance client satisfaction and boost revenue. To address the evolving needs of their clients, they decided to add on-demand digital print capabilities and chose the Meteor DP60 Pro, MGI’s flagship press that prints on a variety of paper, canvas and synthetic substrates, including envelopes, and on sheets up to 13×47 inches. It is also geared for book and photo printers. or