Vertis Communications recently revealed the results of their “Customer Focus Tech Savvy” study, which indicates that Generation Y women (born between 1977 and 1994) have a greater affinity for CE products than their male counterparts or adults in general in several key categories. 28 percent of Generation Y women plan on buying a digital camera in the next year versus 21 percent of Generation Y men. In the personal computer market, Generation Y women are more prone to buy than Generation Y men by 6 percent. Where 25 percent of Generation Y women women wish to buy a cell phone with advanced features in the next year, only 14 percent of adults overall make the same claim. And 16 percent of Generation Y females plan to buy a digital video recorder in the next year versus 11 percent of adults overall.
Jim Litwin, vice president of market insights at Vertis, said, “Today’s female teens and 20-somethings are purchasing electronics to complement their active work and social lives. Marketers often target men for electronics advertising; however, they should consider broadening their approach to reach this key female consumer segment through dynamic inserted advertisements and strategic direct mail campaigns.” In spite of the growing role of technology in their lives, only 14 percent of Generation Y women use online circulars to research shopping options versus 40 percent who use printed advertising inserts.