Canon Supports NY Marine Rescue Center Cold Stunned Sea Turtle Program

Canon Supports NY Marine Rescue Center Cold Stunned Sea Turtle Program

Students and faculty of North Country Road Middle School Science Club; NYMRC Staff; and Canon USA reps at the Book Launch

Melville, NY—In an effort to increase awareness about marine conservation and amplify messaging to students, Canon USA is partnering with the NY Marine Rescue Center. Canon supports the New York Marine Rescue Center and its conservation efforts surrounding cold stunned sea turtles.

Moreover, in connection with those efforts, the New York Marine Rescue Center released The Adventures of Peachy Keen. The book is about the 16 North Country Road Middle School Science Club students’ rescue and release of their Kemp’s ridley sea turtle. What’s more, their book was printed on a Canon imagePress C10000 digital press. NY marine rescue center Canon-The-Adventures-of-Peachy-Keen

“Environmental conservation is one of the central tenets of Canon’s corporate philosophy of building a strong unified future. We are proud of these exceptional students for their efforts to raise awareness of the need to protect marine life through this incredible book,” said Christine Sedlacek, senior director and general manager, Corporate Communications Divisions, Canon USA.

Christine Sedlacek at the Book Launch event

“Though Canon is a global brand, Long Island is our home. We are honored to support the NY Marine Rescue Center. And its educational program involving the Miller Place School District as it builds the next generation of innovators and environmental champions.”

NY Marine Rescue Center

The New York Marine Rescue Center is a rescue and rehabilitation organization that promotes marine conservation. Its mission is to preserve and protect the marine environment through conservation efforts. They include rescue, rehabilitation education and research. NY-Marine-Rescue-Center-Logo

In addition, the group is the primary responder for sick or injured seals; sea turtles; dolphins; porpoises; as well as small-toothed whales. What’s more, they maintain the only marine mammal and sea turtle rehabilitation center in New York State.

“The partnership that we have with Canon has been instrumental to our organization for the past number of years,” said Danielle Perillo, director of administration and development, New York Marine Rescue Center.

“Canon is generously supporting two satellite tags for our sea turtles; they provide the data necessary for us to track these sea turtles as well as study their movements for conservation research.”

Kemp’s ridley sea turtle

In addition, as part of the organization’s pilot program, staff provided lectures on cold stunned sea turtles, marine mammals that inhabit New York waters. Staff also gave a virtual behind-the-scenes tour to the students. The students learned firsthand what to do if they find a stranded sea turtle as well as the importance of removing debris from beaches to ensure the safety of the marine life.

“I’d like to thank the NY Marine Rescue Center for supporting the publication of our Science Club students’ book. And Canon USA for its support in printing the publication; and both … for providing our students with such an enriching and rewarding learning experience,” added Dr. Marianne Cartisano, superintendent of the Miller Place Union Free School District in Miller Place, New York.

Continuing Support

Furthermore, Canon will continue this program in 2022 with the Half Hollow Hills School in Dix Hills, New York.