50th Anniversary CES Was Record Breaker

50th Anniversary CES Was Record Breaker

Preaudit Confirms Size, Attendance & Start-Up Presence All Up: CTA


Arlington, VA—The 50th anniversary CES set record-breaking numbers in exhibit space, attendance and the presence of start-up companies, according to a preaudit report released by the Consumer Technology Association (CTA). CTA is the owner and producer of CES.

The preaudit also reveals a record international presence at the 2017 show. There were more than 60,000 attendees from outside the U.S. representing 158 countries, regions and territories.

In all, CES 2017 hosted 4,015 exhibiting companies showcasing the latest in innovations and technologies. The show spanned 2.6 million net square feet of exhibit space in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Some of the hottest trends coming from the show floor this year included smart home, computers/tablets, vehicles, 5G, sports, wearables and digital health.
CES-CTA-Logo-ComboThe CES audit is conducted by Vault Consulting, LLC, certified by the Exhibition and Event Industry Audit Commission (EEIAC) to perform audits. The CES audit will provide verification of exhibition records, including direct on-site observation, examination of registration systems and testing of attendee records.

The audit complies with the industry standards for audits adopted by both the EEIAC and the International Association of Exhibition and Events (IAEE). CES is also certified by UFI, the Global Association of the Exhibition Industry.

Highlights of the preaudit can be found on CES.tech. Final, audited CES 2017 numbers will be available in the coming months.

CES 2018 will run January 9–12, 2018 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Visit CES.tech for up-to-date information and to be notified when registration opens.


CES is the world’s gathering place for those who thrive on the business of consumer technologies. It has served as the proving ground for innovators and breakthrough technologies for 50 years. CES has been the global stage where next-generation innovations are introduced to the marketplace. In addition, as the largest hands-on event of its kind, CES features all aspects of the industry.

CES is owned and produced by the Consumer Technology Association (CTA).

Consumer Technology Association

The Consumer Technology Association (CTA) is a trade association representing the $292 billion U.S. consumer technology industry, which supports more than 15 million U.S. jobs. More than 2,200 companies—80% are small businesses and startups; others are among the world’s best known brands—enjoy the benefits of CTA membership. These benefits include policy advocacy, market research, technical education, industry promotion and standards development. The organization also fosters business and strategic relationships. cta.tech