DIR July/August 2018 Tech Trends: Cameras for Mom

DIR July/August 2018 Tech Trends: Cameras for Mom


Port Washington, NY—Mother’s Day in particular, as well as the dads and grads gift-giving season, is traditionally strong for camera sales, notes the NPD Group’s Stephen Baker. And this year, Mother’s Day didn’t disappoint in terms of camera sales for mom, he notes.

In fact, sales of detachable-lens cameras and digital point-and-shoot compact cameras saw their best sales week year to date corresponding with the week leading up to Mother’s Day. That was the week ending May 12, 2018.

Camera Purchases for Mom Drove Highest Sales Week Year to Date

Source: The NPD Group/U.S. Weekly Retail Tracking Service

According to the NPD Group’s U.S. Weekly Retail Tracking Service, during that week leading up to Mother’s Day, dollar sales were more than double the lowest week of sales year to date.—Stephen Baker, Vice President, Industry Advisor, the NPD Group