Seattle, WA—Simply Measured, a social media analytics and reporting platform, announced that 71% of the world’s largest brands have adopted Instagram, “which now rivals the brand adoption of Google+ and Pinterest.” In the last year, the number of brands active on Instagram has increased 55%.
According to the analytics firm’s report, top brands are now collectively posting 70% more and engagement has risen nearly 350% year over year. The Simply Measured study leveraged the company’s new enterprise level Instagram reports, which allow brands to measure full campaigns. Reports include hashtag monitoring, multi-account monitoring, competitive monitoring and a complete social media snapshot.
Simply Measured’s study of Instagram found that more than half of the companies among the Interbrand 100 (a list of the world’s top 100 brands) post at least once per week, and 28% post at least five times per week. The investment these brands are making has significantly increased the number of followers who actively engage with these companies—and led to Instagram’s launch of its new ad platform with sponsored images tailored to users’ interests.
As Instagram strives to hit 200 million users, automotive, media and luxury brands are dominating engagement, accounting for almost 25% of the top brands, however, they produce 59% of total brand posts and receive 83% of total likes and comments. According to Simply Measured, these companies, such as MTV, Mercedes Benz and Tiffany & Co., have successfully captured their audiences by utilizing visuals they’ve created for other marketing campaigns, and promoting their content across their other social channels and digital presence.
“Since launching two years ago, Instagram has captured the imagination of consumers, and inspired brands to embrace visual dialogue in new and creative ways,” said Adam Schoenfeld, CEO of Simply Measured. “With the addition of hashtag tracking and other analytics tools, marketers can now measure which campaigns are performing the best, and double-down their efforts on deepening and expanding those relationships.”
Another finding is that photos receive more comments and likes than videos. Like most new features, video adoption has been slow to gain momentum, representing just 6% of total posts. Meanwhile photos continue to lead the way, driving 26% more engagement than videos.