Sony’s New α Universe Community Site to Engage & Inspire Photo/Video Enthusiasts

Sony’s New α Universe Community Site to Engage & Inspire Photo/Video Enthusiasts


San Diego, CA—Sony Electronics officially launched its α Universe website (, an online community site that will serve as a window into the Sony α brand.

The site will feature a variety of photography, videography, instructional and news content designed to educate, inspire and empower individuals throughout the greater imaging community. Highlights include a blog-style home page for feature stories, a continually refreshed Social page that showcases select #SonyAlpha posts from various social platforms, an Artisans page that features profiles and portfolios from Sony’s Artisans of Imagery, and an interactive calendar outlining Sony digital imaging events throughout the United States.

“Today’s photo and video enthusiasts are utilizing Sony cameras to capture imagery with a level of detail and resolution that they never could have imagined,” said Neal Manowitz, deputy vice president of digital imaging at Sony Electronics. “α Universe gives us an ideal platform to showcase their work. Featuring an innovative and artistic design, the new site shines a bright spotlight on our growing army of ambassadors and their passion for the Sony α brand.”

α Universe will source its content directly from contributors, influencers and working professionals while repurposing and reposting relevant articles and videos from throughout the online community. It will also become the chief outlet for exclusive breaking news and information from the Sony imaging team. The main sections/tabs of the site are as follows:

  • Home: A blog-style format with continually refreshed feature stories and upcoming events, the page also has a link to apply for Sony’s Pro Support service program for working professionals.
  • Artisans: The new in-depth home page for Sony’s rapidly evolving and expanding Artisans of Imagery program. It features profiles of all 40+ Sony Artisans of Imagery, with artist bios, feature galleries and videos.
  • Social: A highly visual page, it will showcase a curated social media live stream of photos that have been tagged with #SonyAlpha by customers throughout the world, ranging from amateurs to pros.
  • Calendar: An interactive calendar that highlights Sony imaging events taking place throughout the country, including retail events, trade shows, Artisan workshops and speaking engagements. Users have the ability to filter and search by zip code.
  • Discover: This archive page hosts all historical α Universe stories. Site visitors can search and access content based on a series of pre-selectable keywords/categories.