What Have You Printed on Lately? Magical Technology

What Have You Printed on Lately? Magical Technology

New Live Portrait App Draws Rave Reviews from Clients


As you may recall reading in my column last year, Fullerton Photo crafted and created an art gallery wall showcasing children’s artwork in a local Ford dealership. The outcome was truly remarkable. We couldn’t have been any happier with the results—nor could the dealership.

The excitement and pride that this art wall brought to the community was inspiring, and the impact didn’t stop there. The magic happened after the initial installation, which is where the story really begins. . . .

McCoy Mills Ford service center is displaying the second round of rotating art.

In September 2015, I met two young entrepreneurs with an app designed for school photographers. Their business model was to have students’ yearbook photos “come to life” via a short video linked to the cloud. Being from the photo retail industry, I knew this technology had a much broader potential. I wanted to apply this same model to photos, artwork, logos, etc.

Without telling the owner of the Ford dealership what I was planning, I had the kids’ art foundation capture a short video of each young artist whose work was to be displayed—with parental permission, of course. As a result, each acrylic print would “come to life” with a video about the artist’s showpiece. On December 3, 2015, my client invited the community, the artists and their families, the school district leadership, and other community dignitaries to an open house event honoring these talented young artists.

What happened next is hard to describe. Imagine more than 100 people with phones and iPads viewing the gallery wall, beaming with joy. Then suddenly their children’s artwork talks to them! Every attendee was blown away by how beautifully the children’s art was showcased. They were amazed by how the display was taken to the next level with the embedded technology.

Download the “magical” Live Portrait app in the App Store, scan this peacock, and watch it come to life!


Unlimited Opportunities

The project was a win-win-win. Committing to this children’s art foundation greatly enhanced the dealership owner’s brand, engaged the community and afforded Fullerton Photo incredible new opportunities with which to take this concept even further. Seven weeks later, a newly branded version of this wall was installed at the local school district. They were so impressed with the display they had to have their own in the district office.

Rave reviews keep coming as a whole new audience enjoys the artwork plus technology. Next week we are meeting with a nearby university to create a “live” metal print wall that will allow their prospective students to take a tour and obtain information even when the office is closed.

Fullerton School District’s Children’s Acrylic Art Wall uses “magical” Live Portrait app

The “wow” factor of this magical technology is undeniable. One of the biggest advantages of incorporating this option for clients is that it makes deals happen. Anyone can have greeting cards printed from an online company. But when you can offer your B2B client a card that “comes to life” in front of their customers’ eyes, they’ll jump at the opportunity. It’s just as magical in our retail world, when you make a customer’s holiday card “come to life” in front of their friends and family.

Perfect for B2B Customers

Maybe you already have B2B customers who come to frame a print for their dental office lobby or bakery. Once you show them how their customers and guests can scan that print with their mobile device to have it talk to them, it blows the doors wide open for more profit and makes an unforgettable impression.

The value of a simple metal print skyrockets when it is embedded with a video that tells its story. Take, for instance, a local pizza parlor that has been a family business for generations. Now picture the vintage, sepia metal prints in their small dining area “coming to life” with a video of grandfather, son and also grandson expressing gratitude to patrons for supporting their family business.

The concept goes on and on, its applications limited only by your imagination. By bringing to life your clients’ logos, business cards, announcements, metal prints, and so on, this technological innovation may just be the game changer you’ve been searching for.