HP announced Thursday the availability of the HP DreamScreen, a wireless connected device that looks like a digital photo frame but acts like a PC. The DreamScreen 100 measures 10.2" and sports 2GB of built-in storage. Content can be loaded via a networked computer (with included software), USB drive or flash memory card or streamed wirelessly from services such as Pandora or HP SmartRadio for music or Snapfish for photos.
The device comes with built-in speakers and can connect to the Web via 802.11 b or g with quick access to sites like Facebook via an icon on the screen. Time and weather are also available. The device ships with a remote control that hides away on top of the product when not in use. The DreamScreen can be wall-mounted or set on a stand (included).
The DreamScreen 100 is available now online for $249 with brick-and-mortar outlets selling the product starting October 11. The 13.3" Dreamscreen 130 will become available this fall for $299.
Learn more here.