Fujifilm instax Wide Evo Hybrid Instant Camera

Fujifilm instax Wide Evo Hybrid Instant Camera


Valhalla, NY—Fujifilm introduced the latest addition to its instax line of instant cameras and printers: the Fujifilm instax Wide Evo hybrid instant camera. Moreover, its hybrid format combines traditional instant camera functions with the capabilities of digital imaging technology to select, share, edit and store photos. Additionally, it creates wide-format images that print onto instax Wide instant film.

Further, it has the widest lens on any instax instant camera, at 15.67mm. You can take images at the standard width or opt for wide-angle mode, which maximizes the lens’s capabilities to get all the action into the photo.

Fujifilm instax Wide Evo Main Features
  • It prints directly from the camera. Images can also be printed from a smartphone camera roll via the instax Wide Evo smartphone app.
  • The app’s “Discover Feed” lets you view images uploaded by other Wide Evo users in a photo gallery format and apply their lens, film and degree effects as well as film style settings.
  • 10 lens effects and 10 film effects Fujifilm-Instax-Wide-Evo-w-strap-cover
  • 5 film style effects, including a cinematic look with black bars across the top and bottom of the image; a classic film strip look; a traditional date/time stamp format; a retro contact sheet look; as well as a vintage collodion process effect.
  • 3.5-inch LCD monitor to select images, add effects, edit and print
  • A microSD card slot
  • A selfie mirror

The instax Wide Evo comes in a black and gray combination finish. It has a manufacturer’s suggested retail price of $349.95. The camera will reach retail in February.