E-Mail Case in Point: Lucidiom

E-Mail Case in Point: Lucidiom


“E-mail marketing is absolutely important,” states Les Kollegian, owner of Jacob Tyler Creative Group, San Diego, who has been working with Lucidiom since November 2005 and created the branding for Luci. “But it’s more beneficial when it’s working in synergy with a print campaign in specific markets.”

For example, notes Kollegian, a recent issue of Picture Business featured a Lucidiom ad with the tagline, “We Complete You” and a picture of a Lucidiom EQ box with the company’s products streaming out of it. There’s a minimal amount of text along with a “For more information, please visit www.lucidiom.com/EQ,” which is how they track whether or not people are reading that magazine.

“The same concept applies for e-mail marketing,” states Kollegian. “We send out essentially the same ad in an HTML format with a different URL to track those campaigns. We usually have several different links within a campaign so we can track who’s clicking what links to what features within a specific campaign. We try to put other links in other sections of the site with different information such as press or other facets of the business so we can see what people are clicking on.”

Companies can adapt marketing strategies around its click-through rates and easily track ‘unique viewers’ as opposed to just ‘hits.’ “Hits can be very deceiving,” states Kollegian. “You need to know what unique visitors are coming to your site. It’s like the pros and cons of regular advertising—it’s great if people see it, but how do you know it’s working? “There’s no way to track its success unless (customers) come into the store, hence, businesses would say, ‘Bring in this ad for a discount.’”

With e-mail marketing, businesses can test and change their campaigns. “It’s easy to adapt a new campaign; you’re not locked into a specific format, which is necessary for Lucidiom because it is constantly evolving and changing based on market trends.”