Venus Adds 1.33x Laowa Rear Anamorphic Adapter & 1.4x Full-Frame Expander

Venus Adds 1.33x Laowa Rear Anamorphic Adapter & 1.4x Full-Frame Expander


Anhui, China—Venus Optics introduced the 1.33x Laowa rear anamorphic adapter with PL-PL mount as well as a 1.4x fullframe expander. They both work with the Laowa OOOM lens as well as cine lenses from other manufacturers.

1.33x Laowa Rear Anamorphic Adapter

When paired with the OOOM lens, the Laowa 1.33x rear anamorphic adapter allows photographers to expand their filming canvas to a 2.35:1 cinematic widescreen ratio in a 16:9 sensor. It does so while retaining the resolution.

Laowa 1.33x rear anamorphic adapter

Although it does not produce oval bokeh and expands the horizontal field of view like front anamorphic lenses, it still introduces cinematic characters over a spherical lenses. As a result, the adapter creates a distinctive look on the flares and bokeh.

Moreover, there is a half stop light impact on the lens after the anamorphic adapter is installed.

Laowa 1.4x Full-Frame Expander

In addition, the 1.4x full-frame expander extends the coverage from Super 35 into full frame without affecting image quality. What’s more, the expander offsets the aberrations found on the OOOM lens and maintains its vintage characters and optical performance.

Laowa 1.4x Full Frame Expander

There is also a 1-stop light loss and 1.4x impact on the focal range, making the OOOM a 35–140mm T4 lens. Furthermore, a quickswitch button on the OOOM permits easy conversion of the focal length and T-stop scale.

Laowa also incorporated a back-focus-adjusting mechanism on the 1.4x expander. It replaces the time-consuming and tedious procedure of back focus adjustments by shims.

Moreover, the metal 1.33x adapter and 1.4x expander are for use in challenging filming environments. A protective case is also provided for individual units and bundles for safe transport. Laowa-Anamorphic-Adapter-Case

Both the 1.33x rear anamorphic adapter and 1.4x full-frame expander support other cine lenses in the market. Tools are also available for clearance checks. Users may print out and compare the mount part of their lenses to ensure compatibility. For a list of compatible lenses, visit

The Laowa 1.33x rear anamorphic adapter and 1.4x full-frame expander are currently available. The suggested retail price for each of them is $999 or $1,800 as a bundle.