Digital Camera Use Could Be Spurred by Wireless Transfer to Smartphones: InfoTrends

Digital Camera Use Could Be Spurred by Wireless Transfer to Smartphones: InfoTrends


Weymouth, MA—As connectivity in consumer electronics continues to evolve, a growing number of smartphones, tablets and TVs have been introduced that enable users to stay connected without being tethered to a desktop. Some of them offer functionalities that rival those of PCs, with the added benefit of being wireless and portable.

A new study from InfoTrends now notes that these connected devices can also enhance the overall experience of more traditional devices such as digital cameras, which have seen fierce competition of late from smartphones with ever better imaging functionality plus the convenience of their connectivity.

InfoTrends’ Smartphones, Tablet, and Connected TVs: Changing the Digital Imaging Landscape report analyzes findings from a survey of more than 1,300 U.S. consumers about their use of smartphones, tablets and connected TVs for a variety of business and recreational tasks. An interesting finding for the photo-imaging industry is that “nearly 75% of smartphone users who also take digital photos or shoot digital video would be ‘somewhat’ or ‘extremely’ interested in the ability to wirelessly transfer photos or video from their digital camera to their smartphone.”

And 68% of those respondents stated that having that ability would encourage them to use their digital camera more. As a result of the survey, InfoTrends believes, “Many consumers own multiple photography devices and the ability to easily transfer content between these devices will help encourage the viewing, sharing and printing of photos from both connected and non-connected devices.”

This is good news for camera makers, who in growing numbers have been introducing model after model with some sort of built-in connectivity along with mobile apps that enable the camera to transfer images to smartphones and tablets. The challenge now is to make sure consumers are aware of this digital camera trend.