Tags Posts tagged with "Credit card"

Tag: Credit card

Your Customers’ Shopping Habits Have Changed . . . Have You?

While the general tone in consumer attitudes has improved slightly over the last year, it’s their emerging new shopping habits that retailers need to...

Retail Waters Warming

While the general tone in consumer attitudes has improved a tad over the last year, it's their emerging new shopping habits that retailers need...

Strategy Sessions: I Want My iPad

Steve Jobs of Apple called me a few months ago. “I have an idea for a product that will launch a new category,”...

7-Eleven Fighting Card Fees

With a base of over 6,300 U.S. stores 7-Eleven Inc. is hoping to send a strong message to Washington and the credit card industry...

NRF to Congress: Retailers Should Not Be Required to Keep Credit...

The National Retail Federation recently told a congressional panel that security standards imposed on merchants by the credit card industry are only “an elaborate...

NRF Supports Fight Against Hidden Credit Card Fees

The National Retail Federation recently said it supported the introduction of antitrust legislation that would address hidden MasterCard and Visa fees that reportedly cost...

Credit Card Fee Battle Rages On

The battle over the fees credit card companies charge retailers is heating up – and both sides are preparing for a tussle later this...

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