Tag: Hybrid cameras
Celebrate Mom with Great Photo-Imaging Gifts
Every year at this time, Digital Imaging Reporter’s editors turn their attention to great gifting ideas for the upcoming Mother’s Day celebrations. Leading the...
4K Resolution Is Coming to a Screen Near You
The transition to 4K as the standard resolution for the many screens that surround our lives is beginning to seem inevitable. Interviews with CE/imaging...
Tech Trends: Mirrorless Interchangeable-Lens Cameras See Growth
Mirrorless hybrid cameras hit a new high point of 1.3 percent of all cameras sold in May 2011. While a drop in the...
CE Product Shipments to Rise in 2011, Fueled by the Connected...
El Segundo, CA—Consumer electronic product shipments in 2011 are projected to reach 1.60 billion units, up from 1.56 billion in 2010, fueled mainly...