Tag: Infotrends
Cameraphones Coming on Strong as Preferred Device for Everyday Photos: InfoTrends
Weymouth, MA—It’s no great news that cameraphones have become a mainstream technology, but InfoTrends’ 2012 U.S. Mobile Imaging End-User Survey explores how today’s higher...
Photo Merchandise Market Seen Growing
The photo merchandise market is growing at a "slow but steady pace," according to an InfoTrends survey of U.S. consumers released this week. "While...
Worldwide Digital Camera Seen Growing to 142 Million Units
According to InfoTrends' worldwide digital camera forecast, the global market will reach 142 million units by 2015. Innovation is seen as the driver of...
Young Dominate Online Photo Market
The under-35 demographic devotes a "substantially greater" amount of time to online photo-related activities than anyone else, acording to a survey released this week...