Tags Posts tagged with "Interest"

Tag: Interest

Intel Joins I3A at Highest Membership Level

Wakefield, MA—The International Imaging Industry Association (I3A) announced that Intel Corporation, a leading producer of visual computing technologies, has joined the nonprofit organization as...

I3A Reorganizes by Tech Areas, Streamlines to Strengthen Collaboration

Wakefield, MA—The International Imaging Industry Association (I3A) significantly revamped its structure in order to provide increased opportunities for members to collaborate on solutions...

NRF Says “Same-As-Cash” In Peril

The National Retail Federation on Thursday asked Congress to overturn recent Federal Reserve regulations that would effectively ban popular "same-as-cash" offers made by retailers...

Survey: Networking Interest to Drive CE Purchases

The ability to network is going to be a huge factor in the purchases of the next generation of consumer electronics purchases. That's according...

Contacts: Haig Vartivarian, Imaging Buyer Sixth Avenue Electronics

Growing up in New York City means a kid spends a lot of time around storefronts and a lot of time on the bus....

Answers From the Kingston Icons

Kingston Technology Company, Inc., recently announced it has posted answers to a new series of questions submitted by professional and aspiring photographers on its...

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