Tag: Product category
Strategy Session: Let’s Just Call It Mirrorless Already!
I’ve sat back patiently for months, waiting for the imaging industry to rally around a name for the mirrorless/compact system camera/ILC category, hoping that...
What Have You Printed on Lately? Metal Art + Ingenuity =...
Without legacy thinking clouding my creativity, I am developing what might just become a retail-imaging model for the future. I’ll describe this new Imaging...
Creating the Right “Accessory Environment”: Bringing the Happy Meal Strategy to...
Accessory manufacturers and distributors are often, officially or unofficially, the accessory line managers and/or consultants for their retail clients—sharing information, giving advice, guiding retail...
Hitachi Ultra-Thin LCDs Are Coming to Digital Downtown
The latest addition to the products set to be exhibited at the upcoming Digital Downtown event is the Hitachi Ultrathin LCD display. The event...
Killer Apps in Content Storage
The Storage Visions 2007 Conference, held at the Flamingo Hotel in Las Vegas, ran the two days prior to the opening of CES...
Digi Frame Powder Keg
We’ve actually been waiting for a few years for this, but it finally appears the digital frame market may be about to explode, according...