Tag: Sales associate
Retail 2.0 Coming to a Store Near You
One of the more interesting announcements at CES included the combination of new products, cutting-edge technologies and innovative business strategies. But this full solution...
A Sales Associate’s Most Important Words
For decades the most important words in marketing have been “free,” “sale,” and “guarantee.” Want to get someone’s attention in an advertisement? Tell them...
Elly Valas: Stop Worrying and Start Focusing on Sales
The government may be afraid to use the “R” word but I know that for many, business has slowed since this time last year....
Softer Approach Leads to Easier Sales
If store associates would do less selling, more customers would buy the products they have to offer.Huh? “I thought the job of a sales...
How To Achieve Renowned Customer Service
Is your business famous for great customer service? Do your customers tell others about you? Do your customers leave your store thinking, “Wow, it...