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Tag: Tipa

Skylum Hires 500px Founder as VP of Growth in Asia

Bellevue, WA—Creator of Luminar and Aurora HDR photo software, Skylum Software hired Evgeny Tchebotarev, cofounder of 500px, as vice president of Growth in Asia. Skylum’s...

TIPA Adds Three Member Publications

Madrid, Spain—At the Technical Image Press Association’s (TIPA) general assembly, held in Havana, Cuba, delegates from TIPA member magazines voted to accept three new...

TIPA 2017: Best Imaging Products

Havana, Cuba—The general assembly of the Technical Image Press Association (TIPA) gathered in Havana, Cuba, from March 30 to April 2, 2017. The assembly...

Nissin Ultracompact i60A Flash

Meriden, NH—With the growing popularity of mirrorless cameras as well as compact DSLR cameras, Nissin recognized the need for an ultracompact flash unit. The...

TIPA Unveils 2016 Photo-Imaging Product Awardees

Madrid, Spain—The Technical Image Press Association (TIPA) announced the winning products for the 2016 TIPA Awards. Editors from TIPA member magazines met for their...

Selective Focus—Q: What Lens Should I Buy?

The lens market has been enlivened of late with a slew of camera-maker and “third party” lenses that have special appeal to photographers of...

TIPA Celebrates XXV Photo-Imaging Awards in Tokyo

Madrid, Spain—The Technical Image Press Association (TIPA) celebrated the XXV edition of the TIPA Awards during a ceremony on June 19, 2015 in Tokyo,...

Technical Image Press Association Announces TIPA Terminology Initiative

Madrid, Spain—The Technical Image Press Association (TIPA), a global organization represented by photo and imaging magazines, launched its Terminology Initiative to standardize the language...

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