Digicam Au Go Go

Digicam Au Go Go


While 10MP DSLRs made headlines throughout the week as models from Sony (Alpha), Samsung (GX-1S), Pentax (K-10D), Sigma (SD14 with the Foveon X3 imager), and Canon (XTi), joined Nikon’s D80 and Fuji’s S3 Pro in the 10MP DSLR brigade (we should also mention Leica’s M8, an interchangeable lens – Leica M mount – rangefinder model built in the traditional Leica 35mm mode), almost unnoticed was the fact the point-and-shoot market has revved all the way up to 10MPs as well.

Also referred to as “Super Zooms” or “Bridge” cameras, this market now has a bushel full of 10MP offerings including new models from Sigma (the DP1), Panasonic’s new DMC-LX2, Samsung (NV 10) and Leica (V-Lux 1).

But alas, we’ll take a look at the image capture side of Photokina 2006 at a later date. As our headline suggests, this review was compiled in order to provide a look at the Big & Small of this year’s German extravaganza, and there was plenty of both as the week rolled along.