Digital Dominance Rolls On

Digital Dominance Rolls On


According to a recent PMA report the dominance of digital capture is all but complete as shutterbugs of all levels continue the charge toward an almost total digital photo future.

PMA numbers show that at the turn of the 21st century camera-clicking consumers were buying close to a billion rolls of film annually. The downward trend ever since has those numbers trending to a mere 20 million rolls forecast for 2011.

The PMA numbers also spotlight the equally startling plunge in film camera sales as U.S. consumers bought 19.7 million film cameras in 2000 with that number forecast to dip below 100,000 this year.

Kodak remains the world's biggest film manufacturer, with Japan's Fuji right behind. But the consumer and professional films they make have dwindled to a precious few dozen film stocks in a handful of formats, becoming one more factor in the mammoth drop-off in film processing.

According to a recent AP report analysts foresee Kodak off-loading its still-profitable film division sometime in the next half-dozen years.