Group Gift Buying Rises Online

Group Gift Buying Rises Online


Group gift buying is certainly nothing new but the ability to organize the group gift buy online certainly is. The website has developed a new group gift buying service that enables consumers to quickly, easily and securely join together and make a group gift purchase.

From holidays, birthdays, weddings and baby showers, to office events, graduations, and fund raising, the creators of lolligift claim they take, “the hassle out of organizing and collecting for a gift.”
“Instead of buying cheesy gifts that are eventually re-gifted or tossed after a period of time, lolligift allows people to come together and make a group purchase that someone actually wants – whether it be a new iPod, a pair of designer shoes, digital camera, ski equipment or spa day,” the site’s creators said in a released statement.
Consumers collaborate and organize a group gift at lolligift and use it’s simple process to make a secure contribution towards a gift. Content and gift suggestions are also a part of lolligift that help make it easy to learn about and share gift recommendations among groups of consumers.

The set-up is an interesting one and perhaps even more so as group gift buying is becoming even more popular in the current economic climate.