Kubota Reached Out to Rwanda

Kubota Reached Out to Rwanda


For one week in July 2008, Kubota Image Tools closed its doors so several members of the company’s staff could visit Rwanda, Africa, to experience first-hand what they could do to help the orphaned children of this east-central African country halfway around the world. It was a life changing experience for all involved including Kevin Kubota, his wife Clare, Eryn Wagner, Amber Larkin, Lindsey Isaacson and photographer Ben Edwards and his wife Lauren seen pictured here along with some of their new friends in Rwanda.

The Kubota Image Tools team provided hands-on assistance where it was needed and brought monetary gifts to allow this community in dire need to purchase basic living necessities and to provide schooling to the orphan children – which is often their only hope for a better future.

Kubota Image Tools has been donating a portion of their sales earlier this year to help these Rwandan orphans and will continue to raise funds to help this community. If you’d like to make a tax-deductible donation that will go 100 percent to this grass-roots organization in Rwanda, please visit Kevin’s blog page for more information: www.KubotaActionHero.com