Social Sites Influence Shopping Habits

Social Sites Influence Shopping Habits

The American Marketing Association (AMA) recently released a study that is strongly suggesting a growing number of consumers are logging on to social-networking sites to find information about product discounts and/or to get feedback from friends before making final purchases at retail. For the study, the AMA polled 1,174 online shoppers and their responses indicate a strong movement toward social networking sites as a source for product, manufacturer and particular store information.

Among the findings in the AMA study:

– 47 percent of all respondents said they would go to a social networking site to download coupons or search for gift ideas if those services were available;

o 45 percent said they would visit a social networking site to find out about upcoming sales in stores or discounts on products;

– 22 percent said they would read or write a product review on a blog.

The study also suggests that peer-to-peer information has officially surpassed advertising messages as the strongest influencer in the Internet world.

“People looking for ideas are inundated with messages,” said AMA CMO Nancy Costopulos in the report. “They’re looking for alternatives and opinions for shopping. Consumers would much rather listen to each other as opposed to traditional media ideas and marketers. They’re looking for ideas and product recommendations from those who’ve already bought.”

The AMA study as discovered rising interest in cause-related marketing and products. Approximately 33% of those that responded said they would be more likely to buy a product or service if they knew that a certain amount of the purchase price was being donated directly to a cause or campaign.

For a PDF version of eth complete report check out