Xerox iGen3 90/110

Xerox iGen3 90/110

Xerox Corporation’s flagship Xerox iGen3 Digital Production Press platform features 90 and 110 page-per-minute models and can produce items such as photo memory books, full-color personalized marketing materials, direct-mail pieces and short-run books. Xerox also announced an Automated Color Quality suite that streamlines color quality checks and calibration processes for delivering consistent and accurate output. With this solution, customers can take advantage of three modules: Automated Color Check, which assesses the state of the system and verifies color quality using test patterns across multiple color dimensions; Automated Calibration, which helps the print engine maintain a standard state; and Spot Color Calibration, which automatically reads print engine data on color values and compares them to reference values, modifying the CMYK recipe for each spot color as necessary to enable Pantone-licensed output. These updates ensure that users can quickly produce full-color, professional photo books with leadership image quality on the Xerox iGen3 press.