Impossible Launches the Impossible Project iOS App to Bridge Digital and Analog

Impossible Launches the Impossible Project iOS App to Bridge Digital and Analog


New York, NY—Impossible, an analog instant photography company, is striving to create a bridge between the digital and analog worlds with the release of their first-ever iOS application, the Impossible Project app. Designed together with nxtbgthng, the team that brought Soundcloud to the iPhone, the app is a key element in the operation of Impossible’s soon-to-be-released Instant Lab.

The free app also gives users a direct mobile point of access to the Impossible Project while bridging the worlds of analog and digital. The application will be released online through Apple’s App Store at the end of July.

“Developing the app was a big step for us. We take great pride in the fact that all of our products are ‘hands on’ and need a level of physical interaction to be experienced,” said Oskar Smolokowski, Impossible’s head of Special Projects. “At the same time so many of our users—ourselves included—connect online to share and talk about our analog experiences. One of the things we tried to do with the app was to make those connections much easier; for example, you can now scan and share your photographs right from your phone.”

One of the main functions of the app is the operation of the forthcoming Impossible Instant Lab. By selecting a photo from an iPhone and placing the phone on the Instant Lab, users can transform their digital photos into analog instant photographs. The app also comes with an integrated scanning tool for analog instant photographs, to digitize and share those images in seconds.

In addition, the app gives direct access to the Impossible User Gallery, a worldwide analog instant photo-sharing platform updated by the community of Impossible users across the globe. Users can browse, comment and upload photos straight from their phone.

Plus, integrated directly into the app is a Film Shop, which allows users to restock film (whether that be for the Instant Lab or another analog instant camera).