X-Rite Launches Passport For Raw Color Power

X-Rite Launches Passport For Raw Color Power


For anyone who’s ever picked up a digital camera and been frustrated with the way a change in lighting, location, or cameras impairs the color quality of their images, “there’s now a ‘passport’ to an easy, assured solution,” as X-Rite explains it.

 X-Rite ColorChecker Passport deals with issues affecting color quality, all in a portable case that lets the user take it anywhere.

Based on X-Rite’s ColorChecker product line, ColorChecker Passport allows those working in Raw to quickly capture accurate color, instantly enhance portraits and landscapes and maintain color control from capture to edit  –reducing image processing time and improving quality control, the company claims.

The new hardware/software solution includes: White Balance Target with a newly formulated neutral reference point to eliminate color casts, and improve camera display previews for more reliable histograms as well as speed up post-production editing; Classic Target that provides the industry standard in color referencing for specific color evaluation, plus DNG profile creation for predictable and repeatable results from image to image and camera to camera; Creative Enhancement Target that offers fast, one-click creative enhancements and a visual reference for judging, controlling and editing images for shadow details, highlight clipping or color shifts; and Camera Calibration Software that offers quick and easy custom DNG profiles for Adobe® Imaging solutions.  

For a quick look at  how it works view the video of ColorChecker Passport hosted by top photographer Seth Resnick by visiting  www.xritephoto.com.