Editor’s Note: Retailers’ Choice Awards—And the Winners Are . . .

Editor’s Note: Retailers’ Choice Awards—And the Winners Are . . .


Our Retailers’ Choice Awards issue is always one of my favorites. That’s because we get to hear from our most opinionated dealers regarding the favorite products on their shelves.

retailers choice awards lessons learned e-tailer of the year Family Reunions CES That Wasn't Turn the page Smartphone Debate PRO Alex boost 2019 State of the Industry June 2019 editor's note Jerry-Grossman-cropped-7-2016
Jerry Grossman

However, this is more than a contest for bragging rights. The Retailers’ Choice Awards also give Digital Imaging Reporter a chance to showcase the amazing technology that comes from our major manufacturers each and every year.

Just when you thought that technology was “hitting the wall,” there’s another new mirrorless ILC or amazing lens to capture the fancy of our customers. It just never seems to stop; so, hats off to those incredible designers and engineers who keep the pipeline filled.

Speaking of pipelines, it’s been a rough go for many dealers given the supply chain issues happening around the world. The effects of Covid-19 on businesses are certainly doing some damage. We’re hopeful that by this holiday season things will continue to open up.

We also hope you enjoy our Jason Schneider’s review of digital photo frames. Just when we thought the digital photo frame was dead, the newest technology breathed new life into this category. I happen to have an Aura digital frame in my living room, and I can’t tell you how many comments I get on how cool it really is!

We wish you all a joyous Thanksgiving filled once again with your family and friends. Given the past year, we all need a reason to celebrate.