Mitsubishi CP-9550DW Digital Photographic Printer

Mitsubishi CP-9550DW Digital Photographic Printer


Mitsubishi Digital Electronics America’s Photo Imaging division introduced the CP-9550DW digital photo printer designed for professional photographers.

“Mitsubishi’s Photo Imaging engineering teams have attacked the areas that challenge professional photographers most: quality, speed and cost,” said Margie Chiaramonte, Marketing manager, Mitsubishi’s Photo Imaging division. “The CP-9550DW is the result, defining a new standard by offering high photographic quality in a matter of seconds, all while lowering operating costs. This printer should provide an immediate return on investment.”

Five output sizes (3.5×5, 4×6, 5×7, 6×8, 6×9 inches) with edge-to-edge printing are possible, and the CP-9550DW employs 16-bit internal processing and a dual line head technology. The printer also has an adaptive thermal heat management engine with an all-new 34-dpi thermal head.

A front access paper catch tray holds up to 20 prints, while a new feed mechanism combines with a simplified paper path to increase print speed. The CP-9550DW is equipped with two 32MB memory frames so images can be stored in memory while printing. A USB 2.0 connection provides interconnectivity to the photographer’s system.

Mitsubishi is offering a 24-hour Express Replacement Assistance program, a customer service that backs up the company’s confidence in its digital printers and helps guarantee that pro photographers can keep their business up and running 24/7.

Now available, the CP-9550DW carries an MSLP of $2,395