D&H Names New CIO

D&H Names New CIO


D&H Distributing announced Monday that it has named Richard Hellar its new chief information officer. Hellar’s job, the company said, will be to "maximize the company’s efficiency through technology and make it easier and faster for dealers and resellers to do business with D&H."

Hellar is a 23-year veteran of the IT industry, and has also worked in consumer electronics.

“We welcome Rick Hellar, and expect he will make a fine contribution at D&H, helping to make us the most optimal operation we can be, to the benefit of our customers,” D&H co-president Dan Schwab said as part of the announcement.  “Times like these create opportunities to re-evaluate how to make your business better and lessen your customers’ pain.  We’re willing to the make the investments that will make that happen.”