Tags Posts tagged with "Shop Talk"

Tag: Shop Talk

Shop Talk: Anderson Schoenrock, CEO of ScanDigital.com

"We just started adding video to our company blog two weeks ago. Today, consumers are looking for and starting to expect a higher level...

Demonstrating Value at Retail

"I think it's important right now for businesses to show that they are still in business.  Adapt one thing to show continued investment, if...

Shop Talk: Randahl Ramos, Retail Store Design Consultant

"Customers know within seconds of entering your store if they feel comfortable in the space, and comfort's the most important thing, especially during a...

Shop Talk: Ron Glaz, Director of Digital Imaging Solutions and...

"We feel with the economy where it is, a lot of people are cutting back on trips and presents, but we always see in...

Shop Talk: David Wexler, Owner of The Little Guys (Glenwood,...

"These times are a bitch.  If there's a thin silver lining to the whole thing, it's that you are cleaning things up and eliminating...

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