Marketing Reality: Traditional Methods Still Key

Marketing Reality: Traditional Methods Still Key


While podcasts, RSS feeds, VOD and mobile marketing are indeed beginning to take hold, the vast majority of U.S. consumers are still keeping informed and entertained the old-fashioned way – by print and television.

Some recent statistics from JupiterResearch claim just 7 percent of Americans are writing blogs while just over 20 percent are actually reading them. JupiterResearch also announced that mobile phone entertainment, touted as the next great killer app for marketers, has attracted only 1 percent of country’s 210 million mobile phone subscribers to date. Yet another study from WorkPlace Print Media tells us that a whopping 88 percent of those polled have no idea what RSS or VOD even is.

Finally, and this statistic may indeed tell the most interesting story, word-of-mouth specialists Keller Fay recently reminded all of us that the vast majority of brand conversations take place offline – 92 percent they report.

All of this adds up to the fact it’s still important to “talk” to your audience by traditional means – even teens and young adults, those considered the most tech savvy of your customers. A recent Los Angeles Times/Bloomberg poll revealed that half of all 18-28 year olds polled said they were uninterested in viewing TV or movies on their computers, cell phones or hand-held devices.

Another aspect to Internet and mobile marketing lies in examining how consumers are using these new mediums and specifically how much time they are spending with them. Pew Research Center for the People & the Press recently surveyed 3,204 adults and found that their online interactions were broad — but not deep. Those who logged on for news spent an average of 32 minutes online daily, significantly less than the time the same group recorded for other media sources — 53 minutes watching TV news, 43 minutes listening to news on the radio and 40 minutes with a newspaper.

While these new marketing mediums continue to make strides, they have a much longer way to go than many originally seemed to think.