KG ProPhoto Offers School Photographers Smart ID Card Printer

KG ProPhoto Offers School Photographers Smart ID Card Printer


Somerset, NJ—KG ProPhoto is highlighting its Smart ID Card printer, designed to be fast, convenient, portable and easy to use for school photographers offering ID cards as part of a package deal to get photo services contracts.

The printer has a minimal equipment investment; KG says cards can be printed for as little as $0.34 each. “Offering the Smart ID Card printer is one way KG ProPhoto plans to further expand its product line to cover an even greater range of printers that provide cost-effective, high-quality performance that ultimately enhances the profit potential for photographers, retailers and other end users,” said Andrew Peterson, KG ProPhoto’s National Sales manager.

KG ProPhoto provides a diverse product line of products and accessories in the photographic digital imaging industry. Its products are offered under the umbrella brand, KG Digital Solutions, a business unit of Kanematsu USA Inc., which is backed by the stability of a 120-year-old global company, Kanematsu Corporation of Japan.