Editor’s Note: The End of 2020 and the Beginning of Hope

Editor’s Note: The End of 2020 and the Beginning of Hope


As I write my last Editor’s Note for 2020, I am going to resist reflecting on what we all just experienced. I’ll just say that there are better times to come in 2021 and hope is reaffirming.

hope Turn the page Smartphone Debate PRO Alex boost 2019 State of the Industry June 2019 editor's note Jerry-Grossman-cropped-7-2016
Jerry Grossman

In addition, we’re pleased to acknowledge Precision Camera & Video as our 2020 Dealer of the Year. With new management and the opening of another location, Phil Livingston and the great folks at Precision should be proud of their accomplishments during this challenging year. It’s always good for our industry to celebrate a success story. Precision is certainly one of those.

Some ask me how we come upon our Dealer of the Year winner each year. It usually is the result of consultation across the industry. We’ll ask a number of people who they think has a unique story to tell. We don’t worry about the size of the dealer, or how long they’ve been around. It mostly has to do with the respect that their fellow dealers have for the job they’re doing.

Furthermore, when we make a choice, we do our best to thoroughly tell their story—from their history to their current business and their future endeavors. Over the last few years, I’ve turned that job over to Bill McCurry. He has the instincts as well as the insights in this industry to comprehend the depth of what it takes to be successful. So, kudos to Bill once again for doing a fantastic job.

On behalf of the great staff here at Digital Imaging Reporter, I wish all of you a joyous holiday season and a fantastic and healthy new year. We hope 2021 brings health and prosperity.