Olympus Welcomes a New Visionary

Olympus Welcomes a New Visionary


Center Valley, PA—David H. Wells, a freelance photographer based in Providence, Rhode Island, is the newest member of the Olympus Visionary family.

Wells specializes in in-depth photo essays, and his work emphasizes intercultural communications and the use of light and shadow to enhance visual narratives. Before going freelance, he was a staff photographer for Syracuse newspapers, the Fort Worth Star-Telegram and a contract photographer for the Los Angeles Times. His photos have also been published in the Chicago Tribune, National Geographic, Newsweek, Time, Life and the New York Times Magazine. Wells will be traveling to Israel and Italy in the coming months to photograph and teach.

In other Olympus Visionary news, Maki Kawakita responded to the recent tragedies in Japan by activating her network of creative professionals. She teamed up with Jondo, an online community that connects art enthusiasts with artists, for the Creative Mind [Hopeful Child] campaign to raise money for the relief efforts. A collection of paintings and photographic fine art from 11 artists was curated into a collection of prints available on Jondo. To view the collection and a trailer about the project visit jondo.com/japan.

Jay Kinghorn is taking his Agile Photographer workshop across the country this year with AIMP’s Strictly Business 3 conference series, where he instructs attendees on how to effectively integrate new services into their existing photography business and provides his bird’s-eye view of the multimedia landscape to help them understand how digital video and multimedia content is created, assembled and published.

Additionally, Jay Dickman just returned from Central and South America where he was traveling with a National Geographic tour group as the “National Geographic Expert,” providing lectures as well as input on all things photographic. Images of the trip can be seen at web.me.com/jbd4450/Antarctica_2011/Leopard_Seal_Attack.html. olympusamerica.com