Kodak Creates New Business Structure to Accelerate Digital Transformation with Co-COOs

Kodak Creates New Business Structure to Accelerate Digital Transformation with Co-COOs


Rochester, NY—Kodak announced it has created a new and simpler business structure designed to “increase productivity, reduce cost and accelerate its transformation into a digital company that delivers sustainable profitability and creates value for its stakeholders.”

Under the new structure, Kodak has reduced its number of segments from three to two—the Commercial segment and the Consumer segment—which will both report into a newly created Chief Operating Office. The Chief Operating Office will be led by Philip Faraci, who will continue to serve as Kodak’s president and chief operating officer, and by Laura Quatela, who was recently named, alongside Faraci, as president and COO of Kodak.

Faraci will focus on the Commercial segment and the company’s sales and regional operations, and Quatela will focus on the Consumer segment and certain corporate functions. Both report to Antonio M. Perez, chairman and CEO, as will the positions of chief financial officer, chief technical officer, chief marketing officer and general counsel.

“As we complete Kodak’s transformation to a digital company, our future markets will be very different from our past, and we need to organize ourselves in keeping with that evolution,” Perez said. “This new structure simplifies the organization, focuses it more precisely on our consumer and commercial customers, and puts the right people in place to capitalize fully on the tremendous technological capabilities of Kodak. These business structure changes also allow us to allocate resources more productively, continue to significantly reduce administrative costs, and improve efficiency. We are confident that these changes will support our efforts to make the most of our opportunities.”

The Commercial and Consumer segments replace the former Graphic Communications Group (GCG), which provides digital printing equipment, consumables and software to the publishing and commercial printing industries; the Consumer Digital Imaging Group (CDG), which helps consumers capture and print images; and the Film, Photofinishing and Entertainment Group (FPEG), which represents the company’s traditional film and photographic paper products.

The Commercial segment includes all of GCG plus two product lines currently in FPEG: Entertainment Imaging and Commercial Film. The Consumer segment encompasses all of CDG plus three FPEG product lines: Paper & Output Systems, Event Imaging Solutions, the Consumer Film and the Intellectual Property business.

Within the Consumer segment, Pradeep Jotwani, currently president of CDG, was named president of a new Consumer Business, which expands his responsibilities to include Kodak’s entire consumer digital and traditional product lines. In that capacity, he will report to the Chief Operating Office. Jotwani also remains CMO, and in that capacity, he reports to the CEO. Timothy Lynch, chief intellectual property officer, will lead the company’s Intellectual Property business, reporting to Quatela in the Chief Operating Office.

The Commercial segment consists of three businesses, led by the following: Brad Kruchten, currently president of FPEG, was appointed president of the new Graphics and Entertainment & Commercial Film Business, which includes Prepress, Entertainment Imaging, Commercial Film and Global Consumables Manufacturing; Douglas Edwards, currently gm, Prepress Solutions, was appointed president of Digital and Functional Printing; and Dolores Kruchten, currently gm, Business Solutions & Services, was appointed president of Enterprise Services and Solutions, which includes document scanners, workflow software, and services. kodak.com