D&H Offering Incentives For Holidays

D&H Offering Incentives For Holidays


D&H Distributing announced this week that it will offer purchasing incentives and sales resources to dealers for the holidays. The distributor also announced that it has proclaimed November Digital Holiday Focus Month, featuring incentives as well as special pricing on various CE products.

Products such as GPS units, LCD TVs, home theater systems as well as small appliances will be featured as part of the month, from manufacturers including Garmin, Haier, Logitech, Motorola, Nokia, Samsung Sony and others.

“Although there’ve been a lot of grumblings about the economy, home entertainment has been a real bright spot, and that’s typical for tough times.,” the company’s senior vice president of sales, Jeff Davis, said as part of the announcement. “Consumers would rather put their money toward in-home equipment rather than comparatively pricey vacations or big luxury items.”

Davis added that this is “a critical time for us to offer our support.”