DIR November 2014 Editor’s Note: Who Else Is Going to Do It?

DIR November 2014 Editor’s Note: Who Else Is Going to Do It?


Every so often, we like to remind ourselves here at Digital Imaging Reporter of what our mission is.

As the only trade magazine left that focuses 100% on digital imaging, we know that we have a certain responsibility to write about topics that no one else will cover. This issue is a perfect example.

There are not many magazines out there anymore that will do a story focused on interchangeable lenses. But we know this is an important business right now, especially in light of the constant battle to drive DSLR sales. We asked our resident expert, Jason Schneider, to take a hard look at these lenses and to describe the attributes of each one.

We’ve also included an article on broad-spectrum interchangeable-lens cameras—those cameras that are perfect step-up cameras for your customers who think a smartphone is not good enough. The more you know about these products, the better equipped you are to sell them.

Our roundtable with dealers discussing warranties is also an important article, because it’s somewhat of a misunderstood category. We try to get the dealers’ perspective on many issues, because they are on the front lines every day.

Our tagline is “Focused on the Business of Imaging.” And we take this very seriously.

This isn’t meant to “toot our own horn.” We just want our readers to know that our main objective is to help you grow your business. And we appreciate our advertisers who support our magazine and our mission, and who allow us to do what we do. If there are other topics or articles you would like us to cover in future issues, please e-mail me at jgrossman@direporter.com.

Thanks, and best of luck during this holiday season.