I3A Moves on Cam Phone Initiative

I3A Moves on Cam Phone Initiative


The International Imaging Industry Association (I3A; http://www.i3a.org) used PMA 2009 to announce that its ground-breaking Camera Phone Image Quality (CPIQ) Initiative is now open to new participants.

With CPIQ Phase 2 coming to a successful conclusion, additional interested companies are now invited to come on board during this Open Enrollment period, to influence the critical final phase of the project. Additionally, media and analyst representatives are sought for a CPIQ Media Advisory Board, who will advise the group on the development of a consumer-friendly image quality rating system. To join the Board, write to Lisa Walker (lisa@i3a.org); note that, due to the need to balance the composition of the board and keep it to a manageable size, not all volunteers can be accepted.

The overall goal of I3A’s CPIQ Initiative is to improve overall image quality in order to enhance the use and enjoyment of camera phones by consumers. CPIQ will accomplish this goal by providing a systematic approach for camera phone image quality testing and comparison methods to enable carriers, manufacturers and consumers to evaluate and choose the right camera phones for their imaging needs. The Initiative also seeks to promote growth of the camera phone imaging eco-system and to encourage consumers to take, share, print and enjoy images captured by their camera phones. The group’s ultimate objective is to produce a complete set of standardized image quality testing metrics and methodologies, enabling a consumer-oriented image quality rating system.

Building on the accomplishments of Phases 1 and 2, the specific work of Phase 3 will be to develop a refined set of test metric procedures and processes, and to establish an approach and means for translating and distilling the essential set of metrics into a consumer-oriented image-quality rating system for camera phones. A logo certification program will be designed for later implementation.

Those who are part of CPIQ Phase 3 will define the industry’s first consumer image-quality rating system and will enjoy the marketplace advantage of being early adopters. Other benefits include recognition for being active on the cutting edge of the industry, and for contributing to bring these sweeping benefits to consumers.

“As we throw open the doors to CPIQ Phase 3, I want to recognize that our success to date has been made possible through the dedicated efforts and scientific expertise of many individuals, and I thank all of their companies for sponsoring this Initiative,” said Lisa Walker, I3A President. “I encourage all of you in the imaging eco-system – large and small companies, in countries around the world – to join CPIQ and be part of this bold endeavor to address the camera phone image quality issue.”