CEA Line Show Tech Meet Picks Winners

CEA Line Show Tech Meet Picks Winners


NEW YORK- The CEA Line Shows held their "NY Tech Start-Up Classic" conference, part of the two-day event held at 7 West 34th Street last week and two companies emerged as winners.

They were Aviary, a free image-editing website that specializes in Web design and MakerBot, a firm that recently brought a 3D printer to market that creates three-dimensional objects using a special ABS plastic. These two companies will receive free booth space at the 2010 International CES in Las Vegas.

To say the event featured unique and innovative technology would be a considerable understatement.

With the promise to feature product demonstrations and presentations “of the most dynamic, cutting-edge technology emerging in the marketplace” the plucky start-ups that presented their innovations did not disappoint. Five companies presented products to a curious crowd of tech journalists and judges who eventually selected the two winners in what they called, “A very difficult decision.”

Other firms that presented product were The Peek, an inexpensive (less than $80) mobile device that simply allows the user to make calls, check e-mail and text; LiveStream.com, a web start-up who demo’d their Procaster software that allows the user to broadcast live video over the Web; and Drop.io, a file sharing site that provides live collaboration for sharing rich media over the Web.