PMDA Pitches in For Japan

PMDA Pitches in For Japan


The Photo Imaging Manufacturers and Distributors Association said this week that its members have donated $32.7 million in supporty of the Japan relief effort, following the recent earthquake and tsunami in that country.

“Our member organizations each have friends, families, and colleagues in Japan, so this devastation has greatly impacted all of our lives,” Joellyn Gray, president of the PMDA and director of marketing for Fujifilm, said as part of the announcement.

Donations were made to AmeriCares, Convoy of Hope, Doctors Without Borders, GlobalGiving, International Medical Corps, Japan Society, Red Cross, Salvation Army and ShelterBox.

 “While many of our member companies have already made in-kind donations and financial commitments exceeding $32 million in the ongoing relief efforts, the employee communities continue to amaze us,” Gray said. “For example, employees at Fujifilm have already donated over $90,000 in personal funds. This outpouring of everyone's support during such a critical time of need is simply remarkable.”
See PDMA's website for more information on charities PMDA is working with.