Texas Instruments’ New Mini Projection System

Texas Instruments’ New Mini Projection System


With self-expression all the rage today in these “look at me” times we live in, we think a new product powered by Texas Instruments pico projection technology could be a hot one. It’s called the Cinemin Swivel and it is a candy bar sized (dimensions are 80 x 68 x 30mm) mini projector that can display images and video in extremly large formats at insanely high resolution.

The product will be launching late this summer and is expected to make its debut at 2009 Digital Graffiti festival planned for Alys Beach in Florida on June 6th. This event features digital photographers/artists displaying their works in large format through this type of projection technology on the town’s iconic white walled buildings.

Powered by Texas Instruments’ DLP Technology, the Cinemin Swivel can project images outside for digital graffiti, or anywhere else the user might like a larger view. It has a brightness measure of 8 lumens, a 480-by-320 resolution, and a 3:2 aspect ratio. T.I. claims the Cinemin Swivel’s projections are visible from 12cm to 2m, and it offers over 2 hours of battery life. It’ll sell for $349 when it’s launched this summer.