Upgrade to imphoto App

Upgrade to imphoto App


The  imaging-related apps for the iPhone (and now iPad) just keep coming and now we are getting improvements on old apps. From a company called imsense, a Cambridge computer vision company, comes a new upgrade to their its imphoto iPhone applications.

For new users and the nearly 100,000 existing users of imphoto, the new version of both Standard and Pro editions  will provide significant improvements including; image quality and colour accuracy;  Improved output options with an “Extreme Quality” mode for Pro edition; Increased export size for optimal display on iPad and optional watermark in standard edition

A new version of the eye-fidelity engine is included in both versions. It features a fourfold improvement in image analysis and color accuracy, at no detriment in terms of speed.
For those users of the Pro edition who want to take iPhone photos to an even further level of quality, imphoto now offers an Extreme Quality option, which gives unprecedented local contrast refinements at save/share time, delivering further crispness in your images.
For many users a great benefit of imphoto for iPhone is its easy sharing options of the processed photo to social network sites.  Facebook/Twitter output size has increased to 720 pixels max to match recently updated Facebook resizing policy, while the Save and Ema