Promoting/Photographing May

Promoting/Photographing May


We mentioned PMA’s May is National Photo Month item a couple of weeks ago and were delighted with the responses we received from a variety of imaging industry folks who think the promotion has a strong pair of legs and should be pushed more heavily.

Taking that promotion a step further we have forging a combined effort with PMA to, as they tell us, “encourage people to go out and take pictures in their community this Spring.” Thus, the duo is giving us the “Let’s Go Out and Take Some Spring Photos” program. This effort will revolve around tips from professional photographers about photographing photogenic settings, monuments, portraits, landscapes, etc. in the Spring with each contributing professional photographer offering a location and a spring photo tip within their community that makes for a great photo op. Announcements about this project will be posted on both the PMA website as well as at, so the thousands of retailers who have an ongoing personal and email relationship with PMA can print hard copies of the information for their point-of-purchase in their stores and/or for newspaper ads they run in their respective communities.

The organizers of this promotional effort also told us that once they receive submissions from consumers, they will have an open vote on the site as to which consumer images are the best. Once these are selected, they are hoping to arrange an exhibit where the winners will be displayed and a celebratory poster will be created to be displayed throughout the year.

Again, the idea here is to get consumers revved up about heading outdoors with their cameras in tow ready to capture life as it unfolds in front of them and May provides a wonderful month to jumpstart those engines. Bravo to both organizations for “Springing to Action” on this one.