Web 2.0 Fuels Online Retail

Web 2.0 Fuels Online Retail


According to a recently released report by the National Retail Federation, over 80% of the top online retailers surveyed claimed they would be adding some form of Web 2.0 in eth coming months to appeal to their customers who are now expecting these kind of experiences when they shop online. Most of the top online retailers are planning to upgrade their sites during the next year, adding high-end photography, user reviews, blogs and other “Web 2.0” technologies, the NRF report reveals. Eighty percent of the top retailers reported plans to add alternative product images, with 72% saying they would introduce lifestyle photography. Sixty-three percent of respondents say adding customer reviews and ratings is a priority. “They recognize that the number of brand-new customers online is beginning to slow down,” said Scott Silverman, executive director of Shop.org, an arm of the NRF. “If you want to keep sales increasing at the same nice pace, you really need to focus on customer retention and improving the experience you’re delivering on the Web site.”